Nimble Digital

Take your email messages to the next level

Finding it hard to write compelling emails that convert?

Finding it hard to write compelling emails that convert? Our recommendation is to not overcomplicate things. Make it simple, short and make sure to add your personal touch and brand tonality. A well-written plain email can perform just as well, if not better, than an overthought text or layout with too much imagery and poppy colors. Let’s break down the copy of an email and how to optimize for conversion.

Subject line
One of the most important factors of an email is the subject line. The first impression is all that matters. If not exciting enough, the email content will not even get a chance. It’s all about breaking through the noise of a cluttered inbox.

Use actionable language and fomo
Include a verb in your subject line to drive action. Great verbs for subject lines are for example take, download, reserve, ask, buy, get, book, watch, and explore. If not using a verb, try the methodology of fomo (fear of missing out). “You don’t want to miss this”. HBO recently sent me an email combining the two logics (verb+fomo) by writing “See what you are missing 👀”. Yes, I clicked. And now I am writing about it. So simple yet effective. Note that the fomo methodology is not suitable for all industries and businesses eg. If you’re a bank or insurance company it can have the complete opposite effect.

I am not suggesting adding a first name parameter. It’s too obvious. What I refer to is dynamic subject lines based on demographics, psychographics and behavior. Imagine that you offer home cleaning services. Your target groups consist of families and single households (primarily elderly people). It’s clear that you won’t attract all groups with the same subject line.

Family: “Get more time to spend with your family”
Single household:  “Save your back, let us do the dirty work”

Sprinkle with humor
Prioritize clarity first, second catchiness. In most cases humor piques the interest of recipients. However, it’s important to align with what one actually receives when opening the email. If not, you might end up with high open rates and low click through rates.

Email Copy
Now when you have your audiences full attention by an awesome subject line we need to make the reader find the content relevant and entertaining enough to take action.

State why you are reaching out and how you know each other. Eg. “Oh no, it seems like your trial is expiring. Here comes a reminder to renew your subscription to finish watching House of Dragons.”

You, Your and Yours
By writing in second person you orient the copy to the reader and not to yourself. Keeping a good balance between using We, I and Our will provide with focus on the customer and not too much of the brand.

Highlight benefits
Working with a product or service it’s easy to state the features offered. However, for the customer it is not clear why the features will benefit them. Turn it around and explain the benefits, this will help the customer better understand why they need the product. My recommendation is to truly personalize the content based on the target persona. Highlight benefits anchored in drivers and pain points of the persona.

Short and sweet
The best email copy is easily skimmable and refers to a website where, if interested, the customer can read more. One of the worst mistakes that copywriters make is to flesh out the entire story into one email. The risk is that the reader will have a tough time figuring out the core message and call to action. In addition, on mobile, it will create a lot of scrolling.

Brand personality will make the information you send enjoyable to read. Provide content that will help you build meaningful relationships with your audience. By smart email copy you have the chance to build your brand persona.

Actionable language in CTA
Just as mentioned for subject lines, actionable language will drive an increase in clicks. Since people often skim through emails it’s important to make the CTA very clear visually. Make it pop! Think about both design and copy of your call to action to make it clickable.

When writing a converting email, prioritize actionable language for subject line and call to action, align the subject line with the content of the email and personalize it for the targeted audience.
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