Nimble Digital

Email Marketing Funnel

Email Marketing Funnel

Want to run for the hills when you hear the buzzword ”marketing funnels”? Don’t. I promise to provide a straight to the point article on how to outline your email marketing funnel strategy.

Let’s start with breaking down the theory, followed by our recommendations for efficiently capturing leads, as well as how to create lifetime customers.

Create an email marketing funnel for conversion

The core concept of email marketing funnels is to identify the customer need to be able to send the right message, at the right time provided by the most optimal distribution channel. An email funnel demonstrates the stages of the customer lifecycle. At Nimble, we divide these into attract, engage, convert and retain. Keep in mind that one size doesn’t fit all and the strategy has to be adjusted to fit your business model, key performance indicators, and goals.

1. Attract – Lead generating activities to gather interest and data

Invest in brand-building activities and clearly show the unique value you offer.

2. Engage – Drive engagement with niche content and promotions

Understand potential customers’ pain points and drivers. Show how one can solve the core challenges with strong storytelling.

3. Convert – Nurture contacts by experimenting to drive conversion

Be the light in a dark funnel by positioning yourself as the solution to the pain points and how you and your organization can and will solve their core challenges with a strong focus on unique selling points.

4. Retain – Upsell and cross-sell with personalization building the core

Provide a smooth onboarding and go above and beyond to ensure your customers are delighted with your relationship and ensure long-term engagement. Identify upselling opportunities as well as win-back possibilities.


How to capture interest and generate leads into the email marketing funnel

There are two main elements when it comes to optimizing lead generation efforts. Firstly, focus on increasing the right traffic to your website and to your campaigns. Secondly, examine what value will be traded. The best performing lead generation campaigns hold a balance in value creation, creating a win-win for both parties.

Only creativity limits how you can capture new leads. Feel free to get inspired by our list of lead capturing strategies.

  • Opt-in forms embedded on your website
  • Landing pages dedicated to downloading eBooks, white papers, templates, and more
  • Lead generation campaigns on social media with a call to action ”read/learn more”
  • Pop-ups on the website with new customer discounts or other benefits
  • Event or webinar sign-up through the website or LinkedIn
  • Chat bots can both automate responses to frequently asked questions and gather first-party data in the same conversation

Automate nurturing to build strong relationships and create lifetime customers

Now, when you have the foundation of how to set your email marketing funnel strategy, it’s time to automate your messaging to support the customer journey. If you feel overwhelmed or stuck on how to get started with automation, reach out and we will hold your hand.

Begin with creating content for each step of the email marketing funnel explained above. Do this for one of your offerings with one segment and one target persona at the top of your mind. As you get more comfortable and see what works you can expand the offering, segment, and personas targeted in your automated communication. We recommend reusing your one-time sends and integrating them into the automations for newly acquired leads or customers. The content and automation planning are made easier with our marketing automation project file, feel free to download it here.

We have now broken down the email marketing funnel theory, giving you several ideas on how to efficiently capture leads as well as how to automate your nurturing strategy. Ready to start building automated email marketing funnels that convert?

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